We Have Transmission (dates)

The first part of The Canoe Boys multi media extravaganza will be a 7-minute feature in The Adventure Show.

It'll be on BBC-2 Scotland on Wednesday 7th November at 7pm. There's a fleeting mention of us at the bottom of the programme website.

The Radio Scotland programmes start Wednesday 14th November. Programme 2 is Friday 23rd November and Prog 3 is Wednesday 28th November. Listen to the trailer.

Each programme is played twice. Once at 11.30am, then again at 24.30 in the wee hours of the following morning.

If you miss them, or live outside Scotland, they stay on the Listen Again page for seven days. Our programme will appear amongst all the others once it has gone out.

Comments :

Anonymous said…
BBC Radio always put things in stupid Realplayer format, the worst programme ever for screwing up your PC.

Will a copy be available at a later date via your other site, perhaps???

Simon Willis said…
Hi Mark

For copyright issues I have to be careful how I reply to this.

I hope it will be possible to make a version available in an accessible format in the not too distant future.

I share your opinion about the BBC site. It's even worse on a Mac!
David said…
Now chaps, enough of BBC-bashing ! Damn fine job they do, especially keeping Simon in a job to provide this stuff for us! Don't overlook that at http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod you can dial up any BBC radio station including Scotland and listen LIVE (well, within 10 secs maybe). So no need to wait for 'listen again'.
... David